Hi, my name is Tomasz and I’m a sculptor, designer and overall artist working mainly in metal, wood, stones and leather.
Here I’ll present the project of my sculptures, wearable ones which I also shortly call contemporary jewellery. In this works I’m using mainly gemstones, metals and leather. Sometimes also bones, teeth, plants, wood and other materials used in this profession.
Aurum is my latest project, where I focus just on contemporary side of my art. What makes AURUM creations different is low to zero heat treatment of this works and only original designs. I prefer interesting gemstones over the perfect ones, as I like more to embrace the story hidden in the intrusions and imperfections of stones, rather than beauty of perfect grind and polish. I’m devoted to asymmetry, and always tend to break it somehow when stone I like tend to drag my work into some more symmetrical look. Also that’s why I often make almost completely chaotic chains or knots on the thongs. I feel it satisfying, beautiful and much more interesting. It’s more fun to make too, as to balance a piece of art, so it will behave properly if it’s worn (what isn’t always simple, but that’s one of my aims while creating.. to make it not only amazingly pretty but also available to be useful). Works you can see here are all made the same way: I’m looking for the most beautiful stones I can find, and only when I see them coming together I start making projects for a piece of art. If I really like one, I make it. If not, I put the stones aside and hope for a better inspiration in days to come or for finding them perfect company in the future.